Explore gas furnaces from WEATHERKING and SURE COMFORT. Available in 1 Stage, 2 Stage, 2 Stages and Modulating. Now selling from Shop Metalworks HVAC Superstores' Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Cambridge and Bradford locations.
SURE COMFORT S95T 95% AFUE Multi Position Furnaces With ECM Motor
SURE COMFORT S96T 2-Stage 96% AFUE Multi Position Furnaces With CT ECM Motor
SURE COMFORT S96V 2-Stage 96% Multi Position Furnaces With Variable Speed ECM Motor
SURE COMFORT S98V 98% AFUE Furnaces With Modulating ECM Motor
SURE COMFORT Vantix Line S951T Multi Position Gas Furnaces With ECM Motor
SURE COMFORT Vantix Line S962V 2-Stage Gas Furnaces With Variable Speed ECM Motor
WEATHERKING Versus Line W951T 1-Stage Multi Position Furnaces With CT ECM Motor
WEATHERKING Versus Line W962W 2-Stage Furnaces With Variable Speed ECM Motor
WEATHERKING W95T Single Stage 95% AFUE Multi Position Furnaces With CT ECM Motor
WEATHERKING W96T 2-Stage 96% AFUE Multi Position Furnaces With CT ECM Motor
WEATHERKING W96V 2-Stage 96% AFUE Variable Speed Furnaces With ECM Motor
Tell us what you are looking for and Metalworks will go the extra mile to find it and get you the best price.